What Is the NRMP Match? A Beginner’s Guide for Residency Applicants

NRMP Match

All the time spent completing med school courses and gathering hands-on experience from internships and volunteer positions leads to the all-important residency. A residency program allows you to implement everything you learned in a professional setting. 

The NRMP match process in New York places you with a suitable program using your personal information and experience. Our team at Neurodiagnostics Medical P.C. would love to help you, so we outlined the NRMP experience below. 

What Is an NRMP Match?

First, let’s cover the basics. What is an NRMP match? The National Resident Matching Program connects you, as a medical school graduate, with a residency program that suits your professional abilities, education concentration, and personal preferences. Many individuals simply refer to it as “The Match.” Your residency match shapes how you organize your practice in the future. 

How Does NRMP Match Work?

Now, let’s dive a little deeper, shall we? How does the NRMP match work, exactly?  The NRMP uses an algorithm to place residency applicants in the perfect program. Since many programs exist in any medical field, you can easily become overwhelmed with your options or overlook the ones that suit you best. 

For instance, neurodiagnostics — our specialty — falls under osteopathic medicine. According to the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine, 99% of osteopathic students find a residency placement. The NRMP contributes in part to their placement success. 

Preparing for an NRMP Match in 2025

Perhaps, you’re seeking an NRMP match in 2025. You may want to look ahead at what to expect in the coming years. The brief guide below outlines the NRMP registration process to help you prepare. 

Complete NRMP Registration

Each practice specialty has its criteria set for applicants. Make sure your credits and experience reflect the qualifications. Then, register for NRMP placement via the organization’s  Registration, Ranking, and Results or R3 system. Keep the following information on hand:

  • Your name and birthday
  • Association of American Medical Colleges I.D.
  • United States Medical Licensing Examination I.D.
  • The appropriate I.D.s for your citizenship specifications

Choose and Apply to Your Residency Programs

Once you complete your registration, you will need:

  • USMLE results
  • Complete curriculum vitae
  • Recommendation letters
  • A well-crafted personal statement 

You will most likely submit these to your preferred program through the Electronic Residency Application Service or ERAS. 

Interview for Residency

Now, you’ll face one of the more challenging steps: interviews. Programs within your specialty will discuss your qualifications, education, and professional skills. Their discussions with you will help them determine whether they are your NRMP match. 

Craft a Rank and Order List

One of the residency program perks is that you don’t just wait for the program heads to choose you. You make an equal effort in determining the best matches. Use the R3 system to order each program with which you interviewed. Think carefully about how well each program aligns with your future goals and present professional desires. 

Check the NRMP Match Data

The NRMP match data is incredibly precise at matching programs with potential candidates. It will use the information you and your interviewing programs supplied to determine where you ultimately fit. The algorithm needs at least a week to analyze the data. 

Undergo Match Week

Mark your calendar because Match Week typically occurs during March. It begins on a Monday and ends on the following Friday. On Monday, you’ll find out whether you matched with a program, but you won’t learn which just yet. 

Friday is your designated Match Day. NRMP will notify you about which program it placed you with. Send out thank-you notes to those who helped you place and prepare for the next leg of your journey. Only 6.9% of medical residents struggle with attrition according to JAMA Surgery, so there’s a strong chance you’ll do well! 

Neurodiagnostics Medical P.C. Helps You Prepare with Volunteer and Internship Work

Are you preparing for NRMP match registration? Contact Neurodiagnostics Medical P.C. about an internship or volunteer work. You’ll learn more about our specialty by understanding deep brain stimulation and related topics.

Frequently Asked Questions

The residency application process is fraught with complex documentation and obstacles. Our experienced team wants to simplify things for you, so we answered some topical questions below. 

How Do ERAS and NRMP Differ?

ERAS and NRMP differ in that you upload and submit residency applications to ERAS, while the NRMP’s match algorithm places you with the best fit according to your application information.

What Happens After I Get an NRMP Match?

You will begin correspondence with your residence match and apply for your license after you get your NRMP match. 

What Percentage of Medical Students Get an NRMP Match?

The National Resident Matching Program’s data shows that up to 95% of medical students get an NRMP match. This statistic has been steady since 1982.

About The Author

Picture of Ashwin Malhotra, M.D.

Ashwin Malhotra, M.D.

Ashwin Malhotra, M.D. is a highly respected neurologist based in New York City. With over 20 years of experience in the field of neurology, he has earned a reputation as a leading expert in the diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders and traumatic brain injuries. In addition to his clinical work, Dr. Malhotra is also a dedicated educator and researcher. He has published numerous articles in peer-reviewed medical journals and has presented his research at national and international conferences.