Neurologist in The Bronx, NY

Neurologist, Bronx, NY

People visit neurologists for a variety of reasons. Accident victims often need neurological assessments, athletes face the potential of injuries, and other patients experience headaches, back pain, seizures, neuropathy and a host of other neurological conditions. Left untreated, these conditions can have life-long consequences. Others have non-accident-related conditions or neuromuscular diseases that require neurological treatment, like multiple sclerosis or epilepsy.

If you’re looking for experienced NY neurologists in the Bronx, we at Neurodiagnostics Medical P.C. invite you to come to see us. We are well-known accident doctors, and we also treat patients for workplace injuries. Not only do we evaluate and treat neurological injuries, but we also concentrate on avoiding secondary injuries and complications for our clients.

What Does a Bronx Neurologist Do?

What Does a Neurologist Do

Neurology is a field of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the nervous system and muscles. Your primary physician may refer you to a neurologist if you experience:

  • Dizziness
  • Failing to comprehend new information
  • Headaches
  • Inability to speak coherently
  • Muscle spasms
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Numbness or weakness in your arms, fingers, legs or toes
  • Ringing in your ears

Most likely, your doctor will order a diagnostic test called Electromyography (EMG). An EMG tests your muscle’s response to electrical signals produced by your motor nerves.

In other cases, neurologists examine accident victims to determine if they suffered a neurologic injury.

Neurodiagnostics Medical P.C. routinely treats patients for:

  • Strokes
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Neuropathies
  • Muscle, back, and neck pain
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Sleep disorders
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBI)
  • Seizure disorders

Why Should You Visit Accident Doctors?

Why Should You Visit Accident Doctors

Whether you’ve been in a car accident, experienced a sports-related injury or a workplace injury, you are at risk for several neurologic conditions. Primary care doctors might not accurately diagnose these conditions because they don’t specialize in neurology, and that can cause delays in treatment. Your neurologist after an accident will have a much greater chance of preventing lasting neurologic damage and disability if treatment begins immediately.

Neurodiagnostics Medical P.C. feels so strongly about the need for immediate evaluation that we provide initial telehealth evaluations to recently injured people in the Bronx and greater NYC.

Some common neurologic conditions caused by car and work-related injuries follow.

Broken or Cracked Vertebrae

Accidents at work or auto crashes can break bones, even your vertebrae. Because your vertebrae surround your spinal cord, broken vertebrae can puncture your spinal cord. This might cause temporary or permanent paralysis.


Auto accidents often cause your head to forcefully collide with other objects. The sudden impact can make your brain hit the inside of your skull, causing damage to brain cells and tissue. Chemical changes caused by concussions can prevent your brain from functioning properly.

Secondary complications can arise from concussions. It’s important to try to prevent additional impacts to your head if you have a concussion. Further brain damage can cause permanent disability or death. That’s why you should visit accident doctors as soon as possible if you were in an accident.

Concussions don’t necessarily appear right away. If you don’t know that you have a concussion, you won’t try to avoid hitting your head again. A neurologic evaluation will make you aware of your condition and suggest preventive measures.

Disc Damage

Found between vertebrae, discs absorb shock, cushion the vertebrae and keep your spine aligned. If your accident caused jarring, your discs may be swollen. If the swelling is great enough, they can crack the cartilage surrounding them and put pressure on your spinal cord. Ruptured, herniated or slipped discs can produce back pain and sciatic pain.

Spinal Cord Damage

Spinal Cord Damage

You control your movements with your spinal cord. If an accident severs or damages your spine, it can result in paralysis. Depending on where your spinal cord trauma is, potential paralysis affects different parts of your body. 

Patients with spinal cord injuries often face other complications:

  • Anxiety or depression
  • Atrophied muscles
  • Incontinence
  • Increased risk for heart attacks, strokes, diabetes and pneumonia
  • Muscle spasms

A qualified neurologist can assist in managing long-term disability caused by spinal damage.

Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)

Neurologists classify traumatic brain injuries as mild, moderate or severe. Moderate or severe TBIs can cause amnesia and commas. Secondary conditions often accompany a TBI:

  • Behavioral or personality changes
  • Comprehension challenges
  • Emotional and mood changes, anxiety or depression
  • Hearing or vision issues
  • Impacted motor skills, coordination or balance
  • Physical symptoms
  • Problems with thinking clearly and concentrating

Whiplash after Car Accident

Whiplash is another condition that takes time to develop. When an accident causes your neck to go backward and forward violently, it can damage soft tissues, nerves and your spinal column.

Do You Need a Workers’ Comp Doctor?

The New York State Workers’ Compensation Board requires that those injured on the job visit authorized physicians. Among many other affiliations, Neurodiagnostics Medical P.C. is a board-certified approved workers’ compensation medical provider.

We understand how workers comp’ claims work. More importantly, we see injured workers from various professions. That experience combined with our training gives us the knowledge we need to competently diagnose and treat your neurologic conditions.

Will You Trust Neurodiagnostics Medical P.C. To Be Your Neurologist in Bronx, NY?

Neurologist in Bronx, NY

As you can see, a doctor with a neurology specialty deals with a variety of injuries and conditions daily. Our training and diagnostic procedures allow us to accurately diagnose neurological issues that other physicians might miss. If you are an accident victim or suspect that you have a neurologic condition, time is of the essence. Immediate treatment can reduce the risk of long-term pain and disability.

Everyone at Neurodiagnostics Medical P.C. cares about those in our community. Our team of dedicated professionals provides personalized attention to each patient, whether we’re performing an initial evaluation or managing long-term disability.

We understand how injuries and neurologic conditions can affect our patients’ lives, both emotionally and financially. That’s why we take a holistic approach with our clients; at our neurology practice, we care about you as an entire person, we don’t just focus on your condition.

For our patients’ convenience, we accept all insurances. As accident doctors, that means that we accept workers’ comp and auto-accident insurance from NY and NJ in addition to health insurance.

For more information, to request your evaluation or to book an appointment, previous or new patients should contact us today. We accept workers’ compensation insurance, no-fault, PIP (Personal Injury Protection), and most insurance plans. Call us at (347) 602-9530, email us or schedule an appointment online for one of our NYC locations.