Do you have complex regional pain syndrome but aren’t sure where you should seek CRPS treatment? As the top neurologist in NYC, Neurodiagnostics Medical P.C. can provide expert care for your CRPS. Here they provide all the information you need to understand your condition, including potential symptoms and what you can expect from treatment.
Complex regional pain syndrome is a condition where you experience chronic and disproportionate pain after an injury or medical trauma. While the condition can affect various body parts, it most commonly occurs in your extremities like your arm, leg, hand, or foot.
According to the Cleveland Clinic, the disease remains rare, with roughly 200,000 cases each year. Medical professionals characterize CRPS into one of two types:
You can further separate the condition into acute or chronic, which requires symptoms for at least six months. Most instances of CRPS resolve with treatment.
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome most often arises from damage to peripheral or central nervous systems, though type 1 usually occurs after conditions that don’t directly affect your nerves. Doctors don’t yet have enough information to know the exact cause of CRPS, but the syndrome occurs most often after the following events:
CRPS treatment can greatly reduce the prevalence of your symptoms. Doctors categorize symptoms of CRPS into three different stages based on the syndrome’s progression.
Stanford Medicine says this initial stage of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome usually lasts an average of one to three months. While CRPS manifests differently in each person, you’ll likely experience some or all of the following symptoms:
Stage two can last up to six months, during which point your existing symptoms grow in severity. You may feel more extreme or frequent pain, your nails and hair may become more brittle (though their growth slows), and you’ll experience weaker and stiffer joints.
With treatment, most people never reach stage three. At this point, your muscles and tendons start atrophying and you may lose the ability to move them. This damage can become permanent without immediate treatment.
How can your doctor diagnose CRPS? The first step consists of a physical examination and a detailed medical history. They’ll ask you questions about the severity of your pain, how long you’ve experienced it, and if you can pinpoint any illness or injury that may have triggered the condition.
If they believe you’re experiencing CRPS, they can run several tests to verify you have the syndrome and assess its severity.
During a bone scan, the doctor injects a small amount of radioactive dye into your veins and then uses a special camera to detect it. Cells and structures in the process of changing, such as atrophying muscles, absorb more of the dye, which allows your doctor to locate problematic areas. Doctors commonly use this test to identify cancer, as well.
Though the test requires an injection, healthcare professionals categorize it as minimally invasive. It uses safe levels of radioactive substances comparable to an X-ray. Bone scans usually take between one and three hours and produce results immediately.
Also known as a quantitative sudomotor axon reflex test, this measures your nerve’s ability to produce sweat. The QSART uses electrical stimulation called iontophoresis to measure your sweat production. If your doctor detects uneven levels of production around your body, it can indicate CRPS.
The process produces only minor discomfort, akin to experiencing a shock from a 9-volt battery, and usually takes around 45 minutes.
An X-ray works best in diagnosing the later stages of CRPS. It can detect changes in the minerals in your bone which often occurs from late-stage CRPS.
Because it can detect changes in soft tissue like muscles, an MRI can detect even the early stages of CRPS. Doctors classify an MRI as a non-invasive treatment, and the procedure usually takes between 15 and 90 minutes.
You should seek treatment for CRPS immediately to prevent the condition from progressing or causing permanent damage. Depending on the cause and severity of your CRPS, your doctor may choose one of the following CRPS treatment options.
Your doctor may prescribe any of the following medications to help you manage your pain or the underlying cause of your CRPS:
Your doctor can use a variety of therapies to treat your CRPS rather than just manage the pain. The most effective and common treatment options include:
If you’re looking for compassionate and reliable CRPS treatment, consider visiting Neurodiagnostics Medical P.C. From running an EMG test to providing individualized treatment plans, our experienced pain management specialists and neurologists help you along every step of your recovery.
Our doctors accept most insurance plans, including workers’ compensation, no-fault, and PIP (personal injury protection). Same-day appointments may be available. To book an appointment, call (347) 602-9530
Do you still have questions about complex regional pain syndrome and its treatment? Here are the answers to the most common questions about the condition.
CRPS is not a life-long condition for most people. CRPS usually resolves with treatment, and one meta-analysis by the International Association for the Study of Pain showed that only 20% of people continue experiencing pain after a year of treatment. However, in rare cases, it can persist for years or even the rest of your life.
Complex regional pain syndrome doesn’t directly affect your life expectancy. However, in cases where treatment doesn’t cure the condition, it can prevent you from engaging in activities that help maintain your overall health.
You diagnose CRPS by discussing your symptoms and medical history with CRPS treatment centers. They may perform additional tests, such as a bone scan, to determine the condition’s severity and devise the right CRPS treatment plan.