What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?

ADHD Signs and Symptoms in Children

Developmental brain condition that affects the way a person thinks, processes emotions & responds to the environment is known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

Sometimes Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is diagnosed during childhood, typically in school environment where symptoms of the condition such as problems with anger issues, inattention, behavioral control & distractibility are most evident.

There’s no known cure for ADHD but several options can help people manage their symptoms.

ADHD Diagnosis

A person should not receive ADHD diagnosis unless the core symptoms of ADHD start early in life i.e. before the age of 12 years and creates significant problems at home and at school regularly.


There’s no specific diagnostic test for ADHD, however, these steps can help in diagnosing the disease:

  • Medical exam: it helps in ruling out the possible causes of symptoms
  • Information gathering:Gathering information such as any current medical issues, family or personal medical history and school records
  • Interviews or questionnaires:Your child’s teachers or coaches can help in asking relevant questions from the child to help in diagnosing the condition
  • ADHD rating scales: It helps collecting & evaluating information about your child
  • Neuropsychological Testing: a full battery of tests designed to challenge your brain’s function to determine which aspects of your brain function are affected

Adult ADHD Exists

Myths about ADHD

A lot adult avoid diagnosis or treatment of untreated ADHD due to the negative stigma associated with the disease. Many people who suffer from untreated ADHD avoid diagnosis & treatment due to the negative stigma associated with ADHD. Knowing about your adult ADHD is preferable regardless of the stigma surrounding ADHD. Many treatment options are available with an accurate diagnosis.


It’s better to know

If you are diagnosed with ADHD it doesn’t mean a death sentence, nor does it guarantee you a lifetime of taking pills. There are many adults with ADHD who don’t prefer taking medications as their treatment plan, however, without proper ADHD diagnosis, there is nothing anyone can do to help. If you are diagnosed with ADHD, you can rely on the world’s only organization dedicated exclusively to provide accurate & science-based education on treatments for adults with ADHD, ADDA.

Adult ADHD Test

Adult ADHD test is a symptoms checklist and not a diagnostic test. A proper assessment and diagnosis of ADHD is not achieved using an online test or during a quick doctor’s appointment. A thorough evaluation is required which usually takes more than one visit to your doctor. There are other conditions that can sometimes resemble ADHD & it is very important to work with a doctor who is able to rule out other conditions and make the appropriate diagnosis.

Other conditions that resemble ADHD

There are many conditions or their treatments that may cause signs & symptoms similar to those of ADHD, such as:

  • Learning or language problems
  • Mood disorders like depression or anxiety
  • Seizure disorders
  • Vision or hearing problems
  • Autism spectrum disorder
  • Medications that affect thinking or behavior
  • Sleep disorders
  • Brain injury


Standard treatments for ADHD include medications, behavior therapy, and counseling and education services. These can relieve many of the symptoms of ADHD, but they don’t cure it.